Ryan Bruehlmann
Founding Partner
Ryan is a Founding Partner of Propel Equity. Previously, Ryan was a Managing Director with Audax Private Equity, where he worked for 15 years.
Originally from Canada, Ryan now resides in New England, which he refers to as “the south,” along with his wife, son, and 75lb sheepadoodle.
Prior Experience:
Previously Managing Director with Audax Private Equity; responsible for leading all aspects of investments from sourcing through to exit.
Founded Point A Capital (predecessor) in 2023 to pursue control investments across lower-middle market companies, prior to merging with Essex Bay Capital to form Propel Equity.
Completed over 150 investments throughout his career.
HBA, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario (Dean’s Honor List)
Current Board Representation
Flow Services Holdings
Select Prior Board Representation
ELM Home & Building Solutions
Flow Control Holdings
Liquid Environmental Solutions
Preferred Compounding
Revolution Dancewear
SJ Electro
Outside of work, Ryan enjoys outdoor activities with his family including hiking the White Mountains (New Hampshire), skiing, and wake-surfing. Ryan used to compete in mixed martial arts and considers the UFC his favorite sport.